Q: How can I find out the date and location of my school or team’s picture day?
A: You can ask the school or coach, or contact us directly. Click the “Contact Us” link located at the top of our website or call us at 509-924-3600 (Spokane), 253-736-2180 (Auburn), or 800-448-9938.
Q: How can I order photos on picture day?
A: An order form will be sent home with your child approximately one week prior to picture day. To pay with Visa or MasterCard, please visit our website at www.leosphotography.com. In the Order Online section, enter your school's code from your students' envelope. Otherwise, you can enclose cash, check, or money order made payable to LEO’S and return the sealed envelope with your child on picture day. Orders are accepted for 1 day after picture day then a fee will be assessed. Don't wait, we recommend you pre-order, the fee is $10.00 for late orders.
Q: Can I order photos after they have been taken?
A: Yes! We accept orders after picture day. After 1 day, a $10.00 late fee will be assessed for all orders. We keep photos on file for several years. To order photos from past school years, please contact us by phone or email to receive a quote and to place your order.
Q: Can I still order photos if I have lost my order form?
A: Absolutely! You can email us to request a new one prior to picture day or contact us to place your order over the phone, most of our photos are available to order online, if you need an order code give us a call.
Q: What can I do if I am not happy with my photos?
A: Our photos come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Your happiness is our priority, you may return the photos on Retake Day and have them replaced free of charge. If you missed your school’s Retake Day we have In-Studio Retakes once per month. Call or email to find out those dates. If at any time you would like to return your photos, LEO’S will issue a full refund. Please call if you aren't completely thrilled with your photos we want you to love them.
Q: How can I order more photos?
A: You can order pictures online by using the order code printed on the sticker on your photo package, or simply contact LEO’S and place an order over the phone using a Visa or MasterCard.
Q: Can I still order the ¾ length pose for my student?
A: Yes. We will still photograph the identification photo for the school, then we can accommodate special requests such as a standing pose or students who prefer to wear a hat. We request that you leave a big highlighted note on the envelope and let your student know to remind the photographer.
Q: Do you have options for different color backgrounds?
A: To keep our product line consistent and make annual products more aesthetically pleasing, we do not offer different color backgrounds. This also shortens our production time and gets families their photos in record time.
Q: Can I view my student’s photos online before ordering?
A: We do not post student photos on the internet for security reasons, but you can have confidence in your order with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you are unhappy with your photos, we will either retake them or offer a refund.
Q: I received my student’s photos and his or her name is spelled wrong, what do I do?
A: Just let us know and we will fix it. You can email customercare@leosphotography.com or Click the “Contact US” link located at the top of our website or give us a call. We will correct any spelling errors and issue new portraits.
Q: I did not receive my photos; what should I do?
A: There are many different reasons this could have happened. Click the “Contact US” link located on the top of our website or give us a call and we will be happy to investigate. Try not to wait, it is more difficult to open a job up after the season has passed.
Q: My student had retakes and returned the original photos but I like the originals better. How can I get the originals back?
A: Return the retake photos to us with a $10.00 processing and shipping fee and we will replace the retake portraits with the original portraits. When you send the photos back to us please include a note requesting an exchange, along with the student’s name, phone number, and mailing address.
Q: How does my student get retakes?
A: Each school is different but generally speaking, your student will need to go to the photo area on retake day and request that the photographer takes their photo again. Send the unsatisfactory images with them that day to return to the photographer for exchange. We will never turn a student away even if they forget to return photos; however, the retake pictures won’t be produced until the originals are returned to LEO’S. If you didn't have a chance to turn them in at the school just mail them to our office as affordably as possible with a note.